Tuesday, April 6, 2010

New Catchers Equipment

Last year,  Wilson Sporting Goods conducted consumer research for a new line of gloves in their legendary A2000 line. The gloves they were testing were designed for younger players with smaller hands. Wilson recruited a bunch of kids to test the glove out in practice and game situations. Wilson selected my son to participate in the test.

We were sent a A2403 SC-DPCM 32 1/2" A2000 Catcher's mitt.

My son was asked to create a video showing himself breaking the glove in, practicing with it, using it in games and answering a series of questions about the glove. He had been using a Rawling's Glove that was too big for him. 

Here are the details of the glove they sent my son.

Wilson A2000 Showcase A2403 SC-DPCM 32.5 Inch Catchers Mitt
  • Designed for players with smaller hands. Now players of all ages can have a professional quality glove designed to maximize their performance
  • 32.5 Inch Catcher Pattern
  • Half Moon Web
  • Extra deep pocket
  • Designed for an easier closure
A2000 Showcase Features:

  • Narrower hand opening for more secure fit
  • Elongated lace holes reduce resistance to glove closure
  • Narrower pinkie and thumb for better control
  • Narrower and shorter finger stalls for more control
  • Palm Pad for hand protection
  • Sloped opening above knuckle bridge for a more secure fit
  • Rolled welting provides shape for the life to the glove, but allows for a quicker break in versus traditional welting styles
  • Softer feel
  • Same size pocket as A2000 patterns
  • Pro Stock Leather - Made from the finest American Steerhides
  • Dri-Lex Technology - Ultra-breathable wrist lining that transfers moisture from the skin, keeping you hand cool and dry
The Glove retails for about $199

My son's product review

My son loves the glove. It was very easy to break in. In fact, he was using it in games a week after he received the glove. The glove fits great. His glove reacts to all his movements because it fits so well. He says the fast balls does not sting him as much with this glove. He loves the sound of the pop it makes when the ball hits the pocket. That sound makes fast balls seem a faster and that intimidates hitters. He says that the ball always finds the pocket and stays secure. He loves the way the ball is always in the same spot in the glove - finding the ball quickly is important because every split second counts when you are trying to throw out a base stealer. He also feels that the ball stays more secure during tough tag plays at the plate compared to his old glove. There is nothing worse that putting your body on the line to block the plate and apply a tag only to have the ball pop out.
My son did everything that Wilson asked of him and for his efforts, Wilson sent him a CF4 Demarini Youth Baseball Bat. It is a big barrel bat 30 inches and 22 oz. I will get his review of this bat after he has 10 to 20 ABs with it. I can tell you the ball jumps off the bat in batting practice. The 30 in / 22oz bat retails for about $249


  1. My son loves the glove. It was very easy to break in. In fact, he was using it in games a week after he received the glove. The glove fits great. His glove reacts to all his movements because it fits so well. pandora necklace wholesale uk , diamond necklace canada ,




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